Monday, March 11, 2013

town stay

today is the end of town home stay.  it was great.  i had almost no Swahili practice cuz everyone speaks English so much better than i speak Swahili.

drew and i stayed with Edwin, an ex-farmer/agriculture professor who runs a bakery out of his home now.  he's currently 67.  he has 5 children the youngest of whom is 28.  they all live in townsave one, and 3 visited while we we're there.  Edwin was a gracious host, and the always-on tv informed me of all the misery i had been uninformed of.i endeavor to forget it quickly.

i also met a wood carver named Magnus, who is a blossoming entrepreneur in love with Andrew Carnegie.   he took me to his house, feed me ugali (my kindle auto corrected to Idaho, hahaha), and introduced me to his girlfriend and daughter.  we spoke of business and women and politics very similar to my conversations with Edwin.  i also bought my mommy a present from him (see mom!  i got you a souvenir!)

in any case, if the faucets of heaven calm down soon, I'm visiting the hospital to find out the exact aids regimen in place here.  my  knowledge is far more technical now than when i started, and i feel proud of my efforts as a budding medical anthropologist.

love you all!!

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